
How To Draw A Yorkie Step By Step

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Do you own a Yorkie? Would you like to recreate the cuteness of a Yorkie on paper? Learn two ways on how to draw a Yorkie, one of the popular breed of dogs with this wikiHow.

  1. 1

    Draw a large circle near the topmost center area of the paper.

  2. 2

    Below the circle, draw a large horizontal oval with one side slightly diagonal towards the head. Intersect the higher area of the oval with the circle.


  3. 3

    Draw a pair of stretched, little, vertical ovals at the base of the bigger oval. Intersect each to the bigger oval to serve as its legs.

  4. 4

    On the head part, draw facial guide lines (a vertical line at the center with three horizontal lines across it, forming a kind of three-beamed cross). This will help in placing the Yorkie's eyes, nose and mouth. Draw a pair of little circles where the Yorkie's ears should be.

  5. 5

    Using the facial line guides, start drawing the Yorkie's eyes and nose. Put sequence of dashes to give it a furry complexion.

  6. 6

    Continue tracing the outline of the Yorkie's head, using zigzag lines and dashes.

  7. 7

    Complete the tracing of the Yorkie's head and ears (again, using little zigzag lines and dashes for furry complexion).

  8. 8

    Start drawing the Yorkie's furry legs.

  9. 9

    Trace the Yorkie's hind legs, "chest" furs and its neck part.

  10. 10

    Complete the tracing of the Yorkie's furry body.

  11. 11

    Remove unnecessary lines.

  12. 12

    Color the drawing.


  1. 1

    Near the top and leftmost side of the paper, draw a large circle for the Yorkie's head.

  2. 2

    Below and intersecting the circle, draw a large egg-shaped oval (horizontal orientation, with the most slim part pointed away from the circle).

  3. 3

    Draw a pair of stretched, little, vertical ovals at the base of the bigger oval. Intersect each to the bigger oval to serve as its front legs (so be sure to align it with the head).

  4. 4

    Draw another pair of ovals at the other side of (but still below) the large oval. This will be the hind legs.

  5. 5

    On the head part, draw facial guide lines (a vertical line placed at the center with three horizontal lines across it, forming a kind of three-beamed cross). This will help in placing the Yorkie's eyes, nose and mouth.

  6. 6

    Draw a pair of little circles where the Yorkie's ears should be.

  7. 7

    Using the facial guide lines, draw the Yorkie's eyes.

  8. 8

    Still using the facial guide lines, draw its nose and mouth (with its tongue panting out).

  9. 9

    Tracing the Yorkie's head with zigzag lines to give it a furry complexion. Do also a pair of zigzag lines below the eyes and surrounding its snout.

  10. 10

    Continue tracing the upper part of the Yorkie's head with curvy zigzag lines. Do another pair of zigzag lines above its eyes.

  11. 11

    Draw the Yorkie's pointy ears.

  12. 12

    Trace the Yorkie's front legs.

  13. 13

    Trace the Yorkie's hind legs, tail and body.

  14. 14

    Erase unnecessary lines.

  15. 15

    Color the drawing as desired.


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  • Question

    Why is the realistic yorkie hard to draw?

    Community Answer

    Everything realistic is hard to draw at first. It takes practice to be able to draw properly.

  • Question

    Is it hard to make it look cute?



    Community Answer

    No, just make the eyes a little cuter by adding reflections in them.

  • Question

    Did you copy it on the internet, or do it by scratch?

    Community Answer

    First try it by scratch, then see if it looks right on the internet. Keep modifying if it doesn't look right.

  • Question

    How could I do a Yorkie drawing for kids to follow easily?

    Community Answer

    If you draw the circles of the basic shape and then slowly go into more detail, kids can follow along a lot easier.

  • Question

    What do I do if my drawing of a yorkie isn't great?

    Community Answer

    Keep trying until you achieve one that looks great. Drawing isn't a one-try activity. It's something you develop with repeated tries, learning each time and improving as you go. To expect to follow instructions once and get something perfect is unrealistic, as drawing is art, not cooking from a recipe. Keep at it and in time, your Yorkie pictures will become far batter.

  • Question

    Why can drawing fur be so difficult?

    Solar Eclipse

    Solar Eclipse

    Community Answer

    Fur is texture based, and clumps in certain areas, separates in others, so it can make it difficult to draw all the details in realistic fur.

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Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Colored pencils/ crayons, or watercolors
  • Marker

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How To Draw A Yorkie Step By Step


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