
How to Design an App for User Goals (by Example of Airbnb) - bestliffeent75

I'm at the immigration control nerve-racking to breakthrough my Airbnb host's number. It's nowhere to be found offline. If only I had a local SIM card!

Living in Airbnb places for years, I ingest this problem over and over again. I love Airbnb. I love their design-centrical culture. And I kind of similar the app. Hush up, it doesn't solve the issue.

My Expertness

Same sentence, I'm a UX designer since 1999, working at Icons8. Prototyping is what I do a lot.

So, in that clause, we'll apply my skills to the redesign of the home screen of the Airbnb app.

It's a concept, ALIR from production. But if I were a division of the team, I'd pronounce information technology's good to discuss as well as realise some prototyping and useableness examination (we dress a lot of usability testing here btw).

User Goals

In substance, that's what a user wants to do. What do users do when they launch the Airbnb mobile app?

First Launch

Hither is what it looks like:

During the first interaction, most mobile apps bear to respond to the assonant questions:

1. Is it well done?
2. How very much is it?
3. Endeavor it

Airbnb is super for these goals, respondent all triplet questions.

Airbnb does a great job addressing the goals of the first interaction

In item:

  1. Obviously, information technology's a splendiferous application that looks functional, to articulate the least.
  2. It shows the photos of the product with pricing.
  3. It offers to essay it. As we know, in that respect are search users and browse users. Airbnb addresses both.

Returning Exploiter

For a reverting substance abuser, the goals vary from app to app (and from a website to site). There are many books on that, and most are also wordy (like this one, other than favorable book).

In practice, you should cause one of the following:

  • Brainwave the goals
  • Ask users and group the goals.

I'll do the outset region. I'll brainstorm user experience with a squad of one, merely me.

  • In the day of check-in, I take up to control the address and phone number
  • Regular at the room access, I need to call the phone or get some other manner to reach the owner, urgently
  • Other days, I would want to Quran a new home or message the hosts.

Does Airbnb form a good Job here? Nope.

Checking In

The home blind doesn't assistanc

Finding plow is not painless.

  • I wish there was an address that one can copy to the maps app of choice (often information technology's when you have atomic number 102 local data plan yet).
  • IT is a must to go a way to copy the telephone to Skype.

You may tell there's another section for that. Fair enough:

Even special section dedicates only 12% to the useful info. No phone, atomic number 102 map.

Erstwhile you click the survive card, you terminate click a call icon, but atomic number 102 phone number to copy or even memorize. You have to telephone dial, drop the call, copy it to Skype Oregon something.


Now, when we have the user experience goals, we throne redesign the app. Let's suppose we have a mean solar day of the checking-in and redesign the app for that:

user goals airbnb interaction design

At the day of check-in, the home base screen should have the card with the required information. Every the internal ads crapper appear below (or ne'er, nongranular with me).

Update: when the article was ready, I've noticed the tab is called Search, not Home. However, it has a collection of cards with news program and faced content, i.e. it serves the functionality of the home screen.

Let's add data:

That's what you want to see on the day of check-in in the app. Whatsapp and Google Maps courtesy of Icons8, Google, and Facebook.

What we just did?

  1. We've added the map. Information technology's gold.
  2. We've added the name and address. They had ane, but we've added the button for a default app (Google Maps) and share button so users can open in some offline correspondenc, or copy to the clipboard.
  3. We've added the telephone number. "Hey, I retributive collected my baggage, will be soon."
  4. We've added the link to something otherwise than the Phone app. People apply WhatsApp, especially when they preceptor't have a localised plan.
  5. We've added the share for the phone number, so the great unwashe can copy it.

Future Improvements

Of naturally, there's a room for improvement.

  1. It can suggest the modes of transport: there're train airports and Uber airports
  2. It tail end provide some built-in caller. Airbnb, that's what we indigence, to call our hosts beingness on the airport WiFi.
  3. It can contain the instructions, a feature that Airbnb is preparing. It's a great estimate: I've seen everything from the multi-paginate PDFs to the turn back-in videos. Erst I stayed with a host in San Francisco who was creating a startup for something equivalent that.
  4. It can make a centralized saucy lock interface. Who if not Airbnb can shuffling an API for all the smart locks with their apps?

Airbnb, please make us make sense outgoing of it. Let us unlock information technology from your app, non from this app they show.

What are your ideas for the substantiation-in?

Let's Cod More Goals

Hey, let's collect some goals and radical them. For our internet site, I'm launching a campaign on Intercom. For Airbnb, let's do it in this article (if you'atomic number 75 meter reading a repost, confirmation the original connected in the comments. I promise to suffice promptly.

What do you want to make on the day of check-in at Airbnb?

Let me start: to satiate an immigration frame while onboard, entirely offline. I need the address and the speech sound number.

Now it's your turn.

About the author: Ivan Braun, UX designer, founder of Icons8
Title image by Daniel Mitev


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