
How To Draw Precious Moments Step By Step

The Complete Online Drawing Course

Learn to Describe without wasting precious time

If you've always dreamed of learning to depict, or if you've been cartoon for a while and know yous need to master the bones fundamentals, then yous're in exactly the correct place.

No more wasting precious time searching around the net looking for random tutorials. No more wondering if yous're learning the right thing. This is a structured step-by-step course that works.

Get started Immediately!

All you lot need to begin this course today is…

  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Paper or sketchpad
  • Plastic eraser

Note: A computer printer is too helpful if you want to print project booklets. As y'all travel through the form you'll add to your supplies along the way.

Picture of Cindy Wider on Ipad with drawing pad and pencils

"At present drawing is the enjoyable, peaceful, fulfilling, therapeutic, energizing activity that I knew all along it should be. Gone are the feelings of frustration, defeat, and disappointment. Thank you Cindy for creating this form!"

"I love the fashion it is written – small chunks of tasks that you lot tin practice as much or as piddling of as y'all've time for. Much better than any book I've seen."

Sarah Pascoe - UK

Your 6 Step Program to Creating Your Ain Original Drawings

Step 1: Starting time out nice and piece of cake…

Basic shapes and structure drawing: All the fundamentals. Master these and y'all'll feel your confidence growing already. Lots of fun introductory projects like 'Peppie the Pup' build your skills step-by-footstep.

Drawing course founder Cindy Wider presents a construction drawing project

Pace 2: Wow! It looks and then realistic!

Shading and Course: Those skills you've admired in other artists for then long are now condign your skills too. Projects similar 'The Shoe Well Travelled' will challenge you (past this stage you're up to the task!) Your drawing will virtually 'pop' off the page, amazing yourself and those around you.

Drawing course author Cindy Wider demonstrates a shading project

Step 3: Commission-worthy drawings

Portraiture: Capturing a likeness is one of the near admirable skills in art. It's so satisfying. By the end of this department yous'll be well on your style to pencil and charcoal portraiture mastery. Some students even brainstorm taking commissions at this point. (Aye, the portraits shown hither are created by DrawPj students and they were all accented beginners when they first started with u.s.a..)

Portraits created by DrawPj Drawing Course Students

Step 4: Look at the globe in a new style

Perspective and Proportion: How tin you realistically represent the three-dimensional globe on a flat slice of newspaper? How do things we see modify every bit they get closer, further away or turn towards us? These questions are all answered with perspective. Your optics are now open to a whole new way of seeing and drawing.

Artist Cindy Wider demonstrates a perspective drawing project

Step 5: Autumn in love with Color

Coloured Pencil Techniques: It's fourth dimension to break out. Move beyond shading and into the wonderful world of colour. If you've ever wondered how professional coloured pencil artists tin create artworks that are so rich, vibrant and with such painterly detail then wonder no more. Y'all're about to detect the surreptitious.

Cindy Wider demonstrates coloured pencil drawing techniques

Stride 6: Original Art. Made by You.

Limerick: Your ultimate goal. An original drawing that is completely yours. We'll show you the mode, but everything yous've learnt then far in the class has prepared you for this moment. You'll have all the skills to create beautiful artworks, each 1 every bit unique every bit y'all are. (Yes, again the drawings shown here are all by DrawPj students who were beginners once.)

Original drawings created by DrawPj Drawing Course students

Form Pricing

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About the Course Author

Cindy Wider

Creative person, Author and Co-founder of

Cindy is a professional creative person, author and art teacher with over 25 years of experience sharing her passion for fine art with her students.

Equally 1 of the internet's most experienced instructors teaching on-line since 2008 she is the co-founder of

Her unique method of educational activity is known as 'The Cindy Wider Method'. The course which is based upon Cindy'due south method is The Consummate Online Cartoon Course.

Cindy is an official Administrator for Derwent Products and St Cuthberts Factory Paper.

Cindy is an official ambassador for these leading brands…

Derwent and St Cuthberts Mill Logos

Cindy'southward Featured Students

Here are a option of artworks created past DrawPj Students…

The Complete Form Curriculum

Desire to know everything that's in the form? Here's the complete list.

Introduction and Orientation

IWelcome to the DrawPj University
ICreate a Pre-Pedagogy Drawing
hThe Beginner Drawing Family unit Facebook Group
hRecommended Fine art Supplies
hStudying with a DrawPj Mentor
hStudy Blocks for DrawPj Mentored Students

Construction Drawing (pencil)

Essential Skills

IHalving Lines
IDrawing Angles
IIntroduction to Scribble Gesture
IIntroduction to Basic Shapes
IDrawing Rectangles
IDrawing Triangles
IDrawing Circles
IDrawing Ellipses
IDrawing Bong Shapes
IConstruction Cartoon Examples
Essential Skills: Downloadable Booklets
hEssential Skills Summary

Essential Skills - Projects

IIntroduction to Projects
Peppie the Pup: Downloadable Project Booklets
IPeppie the Pup – Part A: Construction Cartoon
IPeppie the Pup – Role B: Outline Drawing
Tallulah Ted: Downloadable Project Booklets
ITallulah Ted: Office A: Structure Drawing
ITallulah Ted: Part B: Outline Drawing

Major Project - Fred the Sausage Canis familiaris

Fred the Sausage Canis familiaris Projection Booklet
IFred the Sausage Domestic dog Outline Drawing
IFred the Sausage Canis familiaris Structure Cartoon

Drawing 3D Solid Shapes

I3D Solid Shapes – Cube
I3D Solid Shapes – Sphere
I3D Solid Shapes – Cylinder
I3D Solid Shapes – Cone and Pyramid

Essential Skills - Bonus Projection Booklets

Learn to See Shapes in Objects
Elementary Human-made Objects
Marmalade the Rabbit Project
Oscar the Cat Project
Cyril the Squirrel Project
Cuddly True cat Bobby Project

Pencil Techniques - Six Pencil Techniques

hVi Pencil Techniques Introduction
IIntroduction and Smooth Shading Technique
IBroad Stroke Technique
IChisel Bespeak Technique
IFine Lines Technique
ICross Hatching Technique
ICross Hatching Technique
IErasing Techniques

Major Project: The Old Hay Shed

Project Booklet
IIntroduction and the Graphite Transfer Method
IPencil Stroke Placement and Shadow Areas
ITrees and Leaves
IBackground Elements
IThe Roof Area
ICompleting the Foreground

Pencil Techniques - Bonus Projection Booklets

Tulips in a Tub Project
Giant Cherry Cupcake Project
Happy Campers Project
Happy Campers Project
Shining Lighthouse Project


RConstruction Drawing Quiz

Bonus Section: Extra Reading

The Artist's Language and Your Four Natural Abilities

Bonus Section: Draw People and Characters

IHow to Describe Cute! (Part A) – live webinar recording
IHow to Depict Cute! (Part B) – live webinar recording
Describe People and Cute Characters
Draw Characters Worksheet
IPractical Application of Fundamental Techniques – 'Baking for Mummy'

Shading and Form (pencil)

Shading Techniques

Shading Techniques Introduction and Booklet
ICreate a Value Scale
IShaded Curves
ITwo Polish Shading Techniques
ISoft Edge
IHard Edge
hShading Techniques Summary

The Theory of Calorie-free and Shade

IIntroduction to the Theory of Light and Shade
Theory of Light and Shade Booklet
IShade a Cube
IShade a Sphere
IShade a Cone
IShade a Cylinder
hTheory of Light and Shade Summary

Shading - Bonus Project Booklets

Bob the Gunkhole Project
Puddles the Boot Project
Frangipani Dreams Projection
The Holiday Project
A Variety of Subjects

Shading - Clothing and Folds

Introduction to Five Folds (essential reading)
IShaded Drawing of a Column Fold (tutorial)
IShaded Cartoon of a Column Fold (speed drawing)

Major Projection: Silver Kettle

Silver Kettle Project Booklet
ISilver Kettle Tutorial
ISilver Kettle Speed Drawing

Major Projection: A Shoe Well Travelled

'A Shoe Well Travelled': Introduction and Booklet
IRole a: Introduction, first layer and sole stitching
IPart b: Impressing technique in shoe folds
IFunction c: Laces and leather stitching
IRole d: Safety sole and summary

Bonus Project: The Picayune Urn

Piffling Urn Resource
IShaded Drawing of the Little Urn (Tutorial)
IShaded Drawing of the Trivial Urn (speed cartoon)


RShading and Form Quiz

Portraiture (pencil & charcoal)

Pencil Portraiture

Facial Features Introduction and Resources
IShaded Drawing of the Human Center (intro and tutorial)
IShaded Drawing of the Human Eye (speed cartoon)
IShaded Cartoon of the Human being Nose (tutorial)
IShaded Cartoon of the Homo Nose (speed drawing)
IShaded Cartoon of Human Lips (tutorial)
IShaded Drawing of Man Lips (speed drawing)
IShaded Cartoon of the Human Ear (tutorial)
IShaded Drawing of the Human Ear (speed drawing)
IMark the Positions of the Individual Features on a Face

Project: Isha (Child Portrait)

Child Portrait – Introduction and Resource
IPortrait of Isha part a – structure cartoon and outline
IPortrait of Isha office b – hair
IPortrait of Isha part c – face and jumper
IPortrait of Isha (speed drawing)

Charcoal Portraiture - Twelve Charcoal Techniques

hIntroduction to Charcoal Portraiture
IArt Materials Video (part ane)
IFine art Materials Video (part ii)
ICovering Big Areas with Willow Charcoal
ICovering Medium Sized Areas with Willow Charcoal
ICovering Minor Areas with Willow Charcoal
IDrawing Fine Lines with Willow Charcoal
ICartoon Fine Lines with Charcoal Pencil
ICreating Gradations with Blending
ICreating Soft Edges with Blending
ICreating Hard Edges
IHatching Lines with Willow Charcoal and Charcoal Pencil
ILines with Variations in Widths
IErasing Techniques
IWhite Conte and White Charcoal Techniques

Project: Long Pilus

Long Hair Project Booklet
ILong Hair: Step 1
ILong Hair: Step ii
ILong Hair: Step 3 (part a)
ILong Hair: Step iii (part b)
ILong Hair: Footstep four (part a)
ILong Hair: Pace 4 (office b)

Project: Short Hair

Short Hair Project Booklet
IShort Hair: Steps 1 and 2
IShort Hair: Step three
IShort Hair: Step 4

Bonus Project: Curly Hair

Curly Pilus Project Booklet
ICurly Hair: Steps 1,2 and 3
ICurly Pilus: Footstep 4
ICurly Hair: Steps v and 6
ICurly Hair: Stride vii
ICurly Hair: Step viii

Major Projection: Self Portrait

Introduction and Resources
IInitial Guidelines
IBones Outlines
IThe Final Outline (function a)
IThe Final Outline (office b)
IShading Eyes
IShading Optics (continued) and Brow
IShading the Nose
IShading the Nose (connected)
IShading around the face
IDrawing Lips / Shading Cheek and Cervix
IShading Lips, Cheeks and Cervix
IPilus (part a)
IHair (part b)
ICervix and Clothes

Bonus Projects

Draw Clothing
Child Portrait of Sumaya


RPortraiture Foundations Quiz

Perspective and Proportion (pencil)


IIntroduction to Perspective
IDescribe Wooden Floorboards
IDescribe a Elementary Interior with Floor Tiles
IDepict Uncomplicated Rectangle Shapes
IDraw a Bookcase
IDepict a Debate
IDepict a Ellipse in One Point Perspective
IDraw an Opening Door
IDescribe some Steps
IDraw the Outline of an Interior Room
IDraw a Chair in Ane Signal Perspective
IUsing a Scaling Stick to Draw Objects in Proportion
IProject: Depict a Elementary Business firm in three indicate Perspective


IIntroduction to Perspective
IDraw Wooden Floorboards
IDescribe a Elementary Interior with Floor Tiles
IDraw Simple Rectangle Shapes
IDepict a Bookcase
IDepict a Contend
IDraw a Ellipse in One Signal Perspective
IDepict an Opening Door
IDescribe some Steps
IDraw the Outline of an Interior Room
IDraw a Chair in One Indicate Perspective
IUsing a Scaling Stick to Draw Objects in Proportion
IProject: Draw a Simple Business firm in iii signal Perspective

Bonus Project Booklets

Cosy Cottage
Animal Frenzy

Major Project: House in English Countryside

Lilliputian Firm in the English Countryside – Introduction and Project Booklet
ILittle House in the English Countryside (role a)
ILittle House in the English language Countryside (part b)
ILittle Firm in the English Countryside (part c)
IPicayune Business firm in the English Countryside (role d)


RPerspective and Proportion Quiz

Bonus Section: Filigree Method

Filigree Method Introduction and Project Booklet
IGrid Method: Copy a Design (office a)
IGrid Method: Re-create a Pattern (part b)
IGrid Method Project: Set up your Grid (function a)
IGrid Method Project: Create your Drawing (part b)

Coloured Pencil

12 Coloured Pencil Techniques

Coloured Pencil Conversion Charts
IAbrupt Indicate
IDull Point
ICantankerous Hatching
IStriking Strokes

Bonus Pencil Technique Projection Booklets

Crazy Fluff Balls
My Colourful Kingdom
Secret Wintertime Wonderland
State Cottage


Color Theory Project Booklets
IIntroduction to the Colour Wheel
IThe Color Swatch
ISix Colour Schemes
ISeeing Colour as Tone

Project: African Daisy

African Daisy Project Booklet
IStep one
IStep 2
IStep 3
IStep 4
IPace five
IStep 6
IStep 7

Major Project: Apple

Juicy Apple Project Project Booklet
IStep ane
IStep ii
IPace 3
IStep 4
IPace five
IPace 6
IStep 7
IStep 8
IStep 9
IPace ten

Bonus Projects and Booklets

Double Hearted Rose Projection booklet
Luscious Strawberry Project Booklet
IPace i
IFootstep 2
IStep iii
IStep four
IStep v
IStep 6
IStep 7a
IStep 7b
IStep 8
IStride 9


RColoured Pencil Quiz


Limerick Principles

Limerick Downloadable Resources
IHow I Etch Original Art: Three Stage Process
IThe Planning Phase: 10 Principles of Composition
IAnalysis of an Artwork using the Ten Principles of Limerick
IComposition Structures
ICreating Thumbnail Sketches using Composition Structures and Principles

Art Fashion and Inspiration

I3 Cartoon Styles and the Development of Cindy'due south Style
ICindy's Art Mode: Short motion-picture show (for ABC OPEN)
Artist Manner Case Study: Richard Klekociuk
IBotanical Gardens Art Inspiration with Richard Klekociuk
Art Way Case Report: Jandamarra Cadd
IJandamarra Cadd: Bridging the Divide with Colours and Dots (for ABC Open)
ISeven Tips to Observe your Fine art Fashion
IExample Outline Cartoon: "Waiting for the Next Meal"
ICase Thumbnail Colour Planning: "Waiting for Next Meal"
ISpeed Cartoon: "Waiting for the Adjacent Meal"
Colour a Hard Edge Cartoon
Final Project: Compose an Original Drawing

Frequently Asked Questions

This is for complete beginners and anyone who feels they demand fundamental cartoon skills. No experience necessary.

This is suitable for adults no matter what age you are. It'southward never too belatedly to learn to draw.

If you report for 2 hours per week almost students would have approximately 12 months to consummate the entire course.

To get started right abroad with the first office of the course all y'all need is: a pencil, sharpener, paper or sketchpad, Plastic eraser.

A computer printer is also useful if y'all want to print project booklets.

As you lot move through the class you will need to add more items to your supplies. For a shopping list see Recommended Art Supplies.

I am pleased that this course is so well designed; content broken into workable lessons with specific guidance, each lesson building on the prior one, and many examples for how the work should look.

Marilyn Martin - Usa

This is a wonderful course with a real insight into the astonishing techniques needed to create beautiful works of art, it's helped me tremendously already I'g seeing a real change to my piece of work.

Vicki Biggins


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