
Where To Practice Drawing Bllod In Nc

With a degree in biochemistry, Leah works for a small biotechnology company and enjoys writing about science.

Blood Group Picture

Blood type is determined by sugar-based antigens on the red blood cell surface. Those with type O blood do not have any antigens at all.

Blood blazon is determined by sugar-based antigens on the red blood cell surface. Those with type O blood do not have any antigens at all.

What Is Claret Type?

Ruddy blood cells (called erythrocytes) take a type of antigen on their surface. Composed of saccharide molecules, these antigens are called agglutinogens. There are 2 types of agglutinogens: type A and type B. The type of antigen on the surface of your red blood cells determines your blood type.

There are four basic blood types, fabricated up from combinations of the type A and type B antigens.

Type A: The red blood cells have the type A agglutinogen.

Type B: The crimson blood cells take the type B agglutinogen.

Blazon AB: The red blood cells have both type A and blazon B agglutinogens.

Type O: The cherry-red blood cells do not accept any agglutinogens at all.

There is another poly peptide (called Rh gene) that is sometimes found on red blood cells. If a person has Rh factor, their blood type is called "Rh positive." An individual lacking this poly peptide is called "Rh negative." Combined with the ABO blood types described above, a person may be A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, or O-.

Blood Grouping Poll

Claret Types Effectually the World

Blood types vary depending on the geographical region: Scandinavians have a high probability of carrying the A blood type, while those ethnic to fundamental Asia are more than likely to conduct the B blood type. The O blood type is the virtually mutual blood type around the earth.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (a molecular biology resources funded by the authorities), the breakdown of claret blazon by region is:

Blood Blazon A: Primal and Eastern Europe

The A blood group is common in key Europe. Nearly half the population in Kingdom of denmark, Norway, Austria, and the Ukraine have this blood type. This blood blazon is besides found in high levels among minor, unrelated groups of people. In Montana, 80% of the Blackfoot tribe has the A blood group.

Blood Type B: Asia

The B claret blazon is rare in Europe (most x% of the population), but fairly common in Asia. Nearly 25% of the Chinese population demonstrates this blood type. This claret type is also fairly common in India and other Central Asian countries.

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Blood Type AB: Asia

The AB claret blazon is the rarest of all. It is constitute in up to 10% of the population in Japan, Korea, and Cathay, simply is extremely rare in other regions.

Blood Type O: The Americas

The O blood type is the most common around the earth, and is carried by nearly 100% of those living in South America. Information technology is the most mutual blood blazon amid Australian Aborigines, Celts, those living in Western Europe, and in the United States.

Rh Factor

The majority of people in any geographical region are Rh positive. Caucasians are the well-nigh likely to be Rh negative, with approximately 17% of blood donors demonstrating a lack of this poly peptide. Native Americans are the next highest proportion of the population to examination equally Rh negative: approximately 10% of donors from this population lack this poly peptide.

Coconut Juice Blood Transfusions in World War II

As Earth War 2 raged through the Pacific, blood products were in short supply. In emergency situations, Japanese and British medics would resort to kokosnoot h2o. Coconut water (the juice within a young coconut, not "milk" which is made from grinding up the meat of the fruit) has fewer electrolytes than blood plasma, but information technology is sterile and works in a similar manner to a saline IV drip. In a compression, coconut h2o is tolerated fairly well by humans. In fact, coconut water preserves teeth better than milk - something to keep in mind the next time a tooth gets accidentally knocked out!

The History of Blood Transfusions

In the 19th century, no one understood that people had different blood types. Blood transfusions often resulted in death, as the receivers allowed system would attack the foreign, unmatched claret that was transfused.

The history of blood transfusion goes all the style dorsum to the 1600's, when William Harvey discovered the circulatory arrangement. By 1658, January Swammerdam was viewing cerise blood cells through a microscope. The very beginning transfusions occurred in dogs, as the English dr. Richard Lower demonstrated that a dog could be kept alive past transfusing blood from other dogs.

Unfortunately, the move to human transfusion was quite tricky. Every bit at that place was no understanding of blood groups, blood transfusions were extremely risky. Sometimes they were successful: in 1818 James Blundell managed to accomplish the get-go successful human blood transfusion, and saved a woman hemorrhaging from childbirth. Other people, however, only went into daze and died after claret transfusions.

Some scientists attempted to prevent the adverse reactions to blood transfusions by transfusing blood substitutes. The transfusion of cow's milk was attempted in 1854 in Canada, during a cholera epidemic. Drs. Bovell and Edwin Hodder started intravenous transfusions of milk in the belief that the fatty molecules in milk could be transformed into white blood cells, and that white blood cells were an immature version of red blood cells. This belief was erroneous, of class, but they had success with one sick man who responded favorably to the transfusions. 2 other patients, withal, died after milk was transfused into their veins.

These experiments were discontinued in Canada before long subsequently the cholera epidemic, but were revived in New York City a few years afterwards. Using goat'due south milk this time, Dr. Joseph Howe transfused patients suffering from terminal tuberculosis. The patients all demonstrated nystagmus (shaking eye movements) and chest hurting, and all of the patients died a few hours after transfusion.

Despite the lack of obvious benefit, milk transfusions continued in the late 1880'due south, as the utilize of blood was discouraged since it had a tendency to coalesce. Equally more patients died from milk transfusions, the do fell out of favor. In the 1880's, isotonic saline solution was invented, and the use of milk brutal entirely out of favor in favor of the new, safe saline solution. The revival of claret transfusions would have to wait for the 20th century, when a new era of microbiology ushered in the understanding of diverse blood groups and compatibility.

In 1901, an Austrian physician named Karl Landsteiner recognized the 3 basic blood groups – blood was beginning cross matched in 1907. Blood storage was however a trouble during the early on days of blood transfusion – while the compatibility issues had been resolved, claret still had a tendency to jell during storage. Anticoagulants like sodium citrate were adult in the year 1914, allowing blood storage for an extended period of fourth dimension. The discovery of Rh factor in 1940 allowed doctors to completely empathize the compatibility issues among blood donors and recipients, and the American government started its first national blood collection plan shortly thereafter.

Blood Typing Video

Blood Type Tests and Blood Transfusions

A traumatic car accident has occurred, and a severely injured patient is rushed to the emergency room. Equally the patient lies haemorrhage, doctors scurry to have a sample of the patient's blood and have it sent away to be typed and cantankerous-matched.

In the laboratory, a technician applies the blood to a special card, which contains antibodies to the A and B claret groups. If the patient's blood clumps around the A antibody, this means they have the B antigen and it is attacking the A antibody. If the patient's blood clumps effectually the B antibiotic, and so the patient has the A claret type. If the patient'southward blood clumps around both the A and the B antibody, they have the O claret type, and if the patient's blood doesn't react to either the A or B antibodies, then he or she has the AB claret type.

In the instance of our patient, the claret clumps around both the A and the B antibodies. The patient has the O blood blazon. An Rh examination is likewise performed, and our patient is positive for this poly peptide.

As determined past this test, the patient needs a transfusion of type O+ or O- claret. The blood bank releases type O+ blood for use, and the patient is and then cross-matched to be sure in that location are no agin reactions.

The sample of the O+ claret is taken from the blood banking concern and mixed with the patient's blood in a test tube. The sample is watched for any adverse reaction, and if no clumping is noted, the claret is safe for the patient to use. The sample demonstrates no reaction with our patient'southward blood, then the bag of donated, O+ blood is rushed down to the waiting patient. Every bit blood is transfused, the patient's vital signs improve.

Blood Types and Compatibility

The AB+ blood type is known equally the Universal Receiver: an individual with this blood type tin can receive whatsoever other blood type without reaction.

The AB- blood type may receive blood types A-, B-, or O-; any transfused claret must be Rh negative to avoid reaction.

The A+ blood type may receive blood types A+, A- , O+, or O-.

The A- blood blazon may receive blood types A- and O-.

The B+ blood blazon may receive blood types B+, B-, O+, or O-.

The B- blood type may receive blood types B- or O-.

The O+ claret type may receive blood types O+ or O-.

The O- blood type may but receive the O- blood type. People with O- blood are known every bit Universal Donors, equally their claret volition non cause a reaction with any other blood type when donated, since the blood lacks all surface antigens and volition not provoke an allowed organization assail in the receiver.

Blood Compatibility and Rh Gene

Blood Type Complications: Rh Cistron in Pregnant Women

For well-nigh people, blood type is of lilliputian issue in life. Sometimes, all the same, a woman is Rh negative and becomes pregnant with a baby who is Rh positive. If this is the beginning pregnancy, the baby is usually fine because the mother'south claret doesn't mix with the baby'due south during the gestational menstruum. Sometimes, nevertheless, the babe'southward and female parent'south claret mixes during delivery. The mother'southward allowed arrangement so begins to mount a defence confronting the strange protein.

When the mother gets pregnant for the second time with an Rh positive baby, the risks are much higher. In this example, the mother's immune system may react to the foreign Rh poly peptide carried by the baby. When this happens, the mother's immune organisation attacks the babe'south red blood cells, causing them to rupture. The baby develops a class of hemolytic anemia, which tin can be fatal.

To prevent harm to the infant, the mother tin can be given injections of Rh immune-globulin. The Rh immune globulin is an antibody for the Rh factor: if whatsoever of the baby'southward claret has made its way into the mother's system, the Rh allowed-globulin binds to the baby's blood cells. These "borrowed" antibodies will foreclose the female parent's immune system from producing her ain.

If a female parent demonstrates high levels of Rh antibodies in her blood system, the baby is carefully monitored. If the infant shows signs of distress, a procedure known equally an exchange transfusion is sometimes performed to replenish the infant's blood supply.

Blood Type Inheritance

Inheritance patterns of the ABO blood groups - A and B are codominant, so those who inherit type A and type B alleles will have type AB blood. Those with types AO or BO will be type A or B, respectively.

Inheritance patterns of the ABO blood groups - A and B are codominant, so those who inherit type A and blazon B alleles will have blazon AB blood. Those with types AO or BO volition be type A or B, respectively.

Blood Type Genetics

Blood types A and B are co-dominant, and then if the father has claret type AA and the mother has blood type BB, the child will have a claret type of AB.

Blood Blazon O is recessive, so a child will just take this blood type if he or she gets two O blood blazon genes from his or her parents. If both parents are blood type O, all of the children in the family unit will have the O blood blazon. Another way this can happen is if the parents are heterozygous for the O allele: this means the female parent may be claret type A, but her genotype (the genes she carries) are really AO. In this case, she expresses the A blood antigen, merely she also has a gene for the O blood type. If she marries another heterozygote AO carrier, there is a take a chance that one of their children would inherit both O genes and and so accept the O blood type. The chance of this family having a child with the O blood type is 25% - there is a 50% take chances they would have a child with the AO genotype (which would take the A blood type) and a 25% chance they would have a kid with the AA genotype (A blood blazon).

Claret type A is ascendant over blood blazon O, then anyone who has one A gene volition take the A blood type, even if they carry one type O gene.

Blood type B is dominant over claret type O, so anyone who has one B factor volition have the B blood blazon, even if they carry one type O gene.

Rh gene is ascendant, so a parents who are accept two alleles for Rh factor volition have children who are Rh positive. If the parents are heterozygous (having ane Rh cistron allele and one Rh negative allele), they accept a 25% risk of having an Rh negative child. If both parents are Rh negative, all of their children will be Rh negative.

Questions & Answers

Question: What per centum of African Americans accept type A blood?

Respond: According to the American Crimson Cross, approximately 26% of African Americans have type A blood. Of this percentage, 24% are A+ and 2% are A-.

Question: I have type O, RH positive so are my parents the same type?

Answer: Your parents may not take the same blood type you practice. The O blood type is double-recessive, and then your parents could exist type A, type B, or type O and still accept a child with an O claret type.

Question: My mum, my sister and myself have A- blood, merely my younger sister has AB. What blood type would our male parent have had?

Answer: Your father probable had Type BO blood. If your mother is type AA and your father is blazon BO, then the combinations would have resulted in a l% take a chance of having type A blood (AO genotype, but O is recessive) and a 50% chance of having type AB blood (the A and B types are co-dominant and will express themselves at the aforementioned time).

Question: I recently discovered through our family's enquiry that all of the men on my male parent's side all had/accept O- blood. I'm the son of a genetically identical twin and the other twin had twin boys with O+ blood. First can you lot explain why all of the men in my lineage have O-blood? And why are my aunt's son O+? My parents were likewise O-.

Answer: The negative Rh factor is recessive, so information technology is probable that your female parent and father were both negative. Your uncle was an identical twin to your father, which means he was also negative. If your uncle married a woman with a positive factor, then there would exist a l% adventure of each child having a positive gene at birth, and a 50% take chances of having a negative cistron. The positive factor is dominant.

Question: How did I get an AB+ blood blazon?

Respond: Blood types A and B are co-dominant, and so if you inherit the A claret type from ane parent and the B blood blazon from another parent, it is quite possible to take blazon AB blood. The positive Rh factor is fairly common and is inherited separately from the AB type.

Question: Can a baby become the Rh negative claret type from a grandparent if both parents are positive?

Answer: The Rhesus cistron is a recessive trait, so a baby can inherit a negative Rh factor if both parents are positive heterozygotes. In this scenario, we could suppose that a grandparent is Rh negative, simply has a husband who is Rh positive. Their kid would likely be Rh positive, just would behave the factor for a negative rhesus factor (this is called a heterozygote - they carry the factor but do non express the trait). If this child grew up and married another heterozygote, they would accept a 25% probability of having a infant that is Rh negative, a l% gamble of having a child who is Rh positive and a carrier of the negative gene, and a 25% take a chance of having a child who is positive and does non carry the negative factor at all.

Question: My mom is O positive and my begetter was A positive, but I'thousand O negative, how is this possible?

Answer: This would be possible equally type O is recessive, along with the negative blood type. In this case, your mother would exist O+O- and your father would be A+O-. While they demonstrate simply the dominant form of each gene (the positive Rhesus factor for both and the A blood type for your father), each one carries the O- gene and passed information technology on to you.

Question: My blood type is AO, and my children's male parent is type O. How does my son have type AB?

Answer: I cannot explain how your child has blazon AB blood if his biological father has blazon O claret. Type O blood is double recessive. With a mother having AO claret and the begetter having OO blood, the possible combinations are AO, AO, OO, and OO. Your children would have a l% chance of having type A blood (the AO genetic type) and a 50% run a risk of having blazon O blood (the OO genetic type).

Question: What does it mean if my mother is RH- blood type and I'1000 O- blood type? What does this say virtually me?

Answer: Your mother's Rh factor is negative, and so is yours! You don't requite your female parent'south blood type, which is typed every bit a alphabetic character (A, AB, B, or O). The O blood blazon is recessive, so for someone to have the O claret type, they need two recessive "O" genes. Your mother could be A, B, or O since many people who are type A or B bear an O gene (A and B are dominant over O).

Question: I take A+ blood. My father was of Sicilian descent. My mother was of German and Irish descent. Is A+ blood type uniform with my genealogy?

Reply: Yep, the A claret type is compatible with your beginnings. The A blood type is dominant and is found throughout Europe.

Question: My dad is Syrian with type O+ and my mom is African mixed with Indian and carries B+ however my sis and I carry type AB+. How is that possible?

Reply: It would not be theoretically possible for a parents with type O and blazon B to produce children with type AB blood.

Question: I have AB blood. My male parent'south side all have O claret and my mother's side all have O blood. Is information technology possible for ii type O parents to have a child with blood blazon AB?

Respond: It is highly unlikely that two parents with Type O blood would produce a child with an AB blood type. Since the O blood type is double recessive, your parents each take OO and OO, which would result in all children having blazon O blood. To obtain Type AB, one parent must have Type A, B, or AB blood and the other parent must also accept type A, B, or AB claret.

Question: In what function of the world is Rh negative claret type nearly commonly found?

Respond: Australia has the highest percentage of Rh negative blood, with approximately 19% of the population demonstrating a negative factor. The Basque population in Espana has the highest percentage of Rh negative blood every bit an ethnic group, with 21-43% of Basque people demonstrating the negative cistron (dependent on location).

Question: I accept blood type B+ merely my mother is from Deutschland. Is my blood type compatible with my genealogy?

Reply: Yes, it is possible to have type B+ blood with German ancestry. There has been a lot of migration and movement throughout human history, and currently 11% of Germans take blazon B blood (9% have type B+ and 2% have type B-).

Question: If I am AB+ what were my parents?

Answer: Your parents might both exist blazon AB, i parent might be blazon AB and the other might be blazon A, one parent might be type AB and the other type B, or you may have one parent that is blazon A and one parent that is type B. Any of these combinations could produce a kid that is type AB.

For the + Rh gene, both of your parents are Rh positive.

Question: What is the well-nigh common claret type in Sweden?

Reply: The nigh common claret type in Sweden is A+. Approximately 37% of the population has this blood type. The 2nd most mutual claret type in Sweden is O+.

Question: I am an A+ claret type and I want to get married. Which blood group should I marry?

Answer: You should not consider someone else'southward blood type when you are considering a future spouse. Blood type has no bearing on wellness or general compatibility.

Question: Why is Africa excluded from your commodity's world assay?

Answer: Africa is not excluded from this world analysis. The listing of claret blazon percentages simply lists the continent where each blood type is the virtually common. In this synopsis, Blazon A has the highest prevalence in Europe and Key Europe, Type O has the highest prevalence in the Americas, Type B and Type AB have the highest prevalence in Asia.

Type O+ blood is the most common across the continent of Africa, but it does not have the highest prevalence in the world of this blood blazon. 45% of Due south Africans have Type O blood, simply this is not the highest prevalence (virtually 100% of South Americans have Type O blood). In short, the blood types across the continent of Africa are varied and it does not have the highest prevalence of any ane claret type.

Question: What is the youngest type of blood in humans?

Answer: According to the BBC, type AB is the nigh contempo blood type in humans. While the O blood type is universally compatible, it is not likely to be the oldest blood type among humans. Both the A and B types may get O with a few mutations, and then information technology is probable that A is the oldest, followed past O or B. There are competing theories on blood type and evolution. Each type varies by geographical region and ethnicity.

Question: My mom, dad, and sister accept type O negative blood, but I accept a positive Rh gene., is this possible?

Answer: In general, the negative Rh factor is a double recessive gene. If both of your biological parents are Rh-negative, so you lot should also have a negative Rh cistron.

Question: You said blood type A is dominant over O. I'thousand A- and my son is O+. I don't know what claret blazon his dad is, though. Practice you know if my son is recessive rh-? Does this mean I am recessive rh+?

Answer: The positive Rh trait is always dominant. Since you are A-, that means you accept two Rh negative alleles. Your son'south father is most likely type O+ blood. You carry an O allele (so your genotype would be A- O-). In your case, the O is recessive and so you only display the physical characteristic of the A blood type. Your son inherited ane re-create of the O gene from y'all and from his father. He inherited one negative Rh factor gene from y'all and one positive Rh factor from his father, then he displays the Rh positive phenotype (since the positive cistron is dominant).

Question: Can an A- person e'er have 2 parents each with O+ blood blazon?

Answer: A person may inherit a negative Rh factor from two parents with a positive cistron, if each parent is heterozygous for this trait. If the female parent is +/- and the male parent is +/-, each will have a phenotype (physical feature) of having a positive Rh factor while yet carrying the negative Rh factor cistron. Each child would have a 25% risk of inheriting both Rh - alleles and demonstrating that phenotype. Ii parents with type O blood, however, would not take a biological child with blazon A blood. Blazon O blood is double recessive.

Question: What percentage of African Americans have type B blood?

Reply: xviii% of African Americans have blazon B+ blood, and 1% have B-. Excluding Rh factor, 19% of African Americans bear this claret type.

Question: My wife and I have are A/B-, what claret type will our child accept?

Answer: Your child's rH factor will exist negative, equally you and your wife are both negative for this factor. The kid'southward blood type will depend on which genes they obtain. The A and B blood types are co-dominant. Your child may obtain the A factor from both parents (25% risk of A- blood blazon), the B factor from both parents (25% run a risk of B- phenotype), or i of each (50% gamble of AB-).

Question: I have a B+ blood type. My daughter is O+ and my son is B+. My married man forgot his blood blazon. Can y'all figure what blood type my husband is?

Respond: The simply way to actually know what blood type your hubby is would exist to accept it typed. The only thing nosotros know for sure is that y'all and your husband each carry a gene for the O blood type, which is recessive. You likely carry ane gene for B and i for O (B is dominant so your blood type is B). Your husband could exist AO (A blood blazon), BO (B claret type), or OO (O blood type). Your daughter would take inherited i O allele from each of you, resulting in her double-recessive blood type. If your husband would like to know his blood type, he should take it typed, every bit it is impossible to know from your children'southward profiles.

Question: Can a person accept blood type ABO positive ?

Answer: A person could exist type AB or type O, only not blazon ABO. If a person carried the genotype for type AO or blazon BO, they would simply limited the blood type as type A or blazon B, equally the O blood type is recessive. To demonstrate type O claret, yous must take both copies of the gene.

Question: What percentage of African Americans have type AB- blood?

Answer: 0.3% of African Americans take type AB- blood.

Question: What percentage of African Americans take type A- blood?

Answer: According to the American Blood-red Cross, merely two% of African Americans accept type A- blood. This would exist a rare claret blazon for this demographic.

Question: I'one thousand from the Cape verde Islands off the west coast of Africa. I have AB+ blood. Is this normal?

Respond: Co-ordinate to The Distribution of ABO Blood Group Organization In Porto Novo District Of Cape Verde Islands, a research paper by Peter Okeke in 2009, the following blood types were observed (from 750 samples):

320 people were Type O (43%)

226 people were Type A (30%)

167 people were Type B (22%)

37 people were Type AB (5%)

Having Type AB blood is rare, only not unheard of amid the Republic of cape verde population.

© 2012 Leah Lefler

Samantha Whittaker on February 20, 2020:

I have AB, my dad was O- and my mom is O- is it possible for bloodtype O to take a child with blood blazon AB

Ballad Walker on August fifteen, 2019:

I take AB-, my Dad was O-. Is there any style I can find out where negative RH came from within the family? (

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on August 12, 2019:

It is important to realize the Rh type and blood blazon are non linked. Blazon O blood is the most common type of blood in the Usa with a positive Rhesus factor. The negative Rh does make O- blood rarer than O+ blood, merely it is yet non the rarest blood type. AB- is the rarest, followed past B-, then AB+, then A-. Approximately 6.6% of the US population has blazon O- blood, Stan, so information technology is not extremely common, but likewise not rare. The highest prevalence of O- blood is found in Spain and the Uk (9% of the population), though many countries in Europe take a prevalence between 6-9% of the population. Argentina also has a very high relative prevalence of people with the O- blood type.

Stan on August 12, 2019:

Does blood type tells u.s.a. something about our beginnings. I read where O negative is rare except among the Basque population of Iberia and the Celtic tribes of U.k.. How probable is O negative blood type continued with Scottish or Basque ancestry?

Leah Lefler (writer) from Western New York on May 08, 2019:

Information technology is likely your father'due south genotype is heterozygous, which means he carries ane allele for B and one allele for O. You inherited the B from your father and an O from your mother - since B is dominant, you have the B blood type. Your sister would take inherited the O from your begetter and an O from your mother, making her blood type O.

Tina on May 06, 2019:

My male parent is b+ and mother is o+. But, why is it that i have my fathers claret type and my sis has our mothers claret type.

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on February 06, 2019:

The O blood type is recessive, Reina, and so your mother and father both carried the O allele and you happened to get both copies. Your blood brother's father also carries the recessive gene for the O claret type, and he carries the same claret blazon (despite having a different father). Your parents could have type A, B, or O claret and however have a child with type O, since the trait is recessive. The negative Rh factor is also recessive.

Reina on February 02, 2019:

I am O negative and my two brothers. One of my brothers has a different begetter just we accept the same mother. How is it that we accept aforementioned mother, different male parent yet take szmd claret type( O negative)?

EmG on Apr xx, 2017:

I am o positive and considerd African American in America. I was ever told nearly having Indian ancestors on both sides. My female parent is O likewise and my father is A. Shouldn't this be proof that many African Americans are classified incorrectly in ethnicity and racial classifications. Many of us accept hard time claiming our rights equally aboriginal people. What can we do to modify this and let people know who they are. The African American has been looking for their ancestral past for generations and this can definitely shed light on giving usa our missing piece to our heritage puzzle. Thank you!

Leah Lefler (writer) from Western New York on June 14, 2015:

B positive is definitely a rare blood type! The most mutual blood type in the earth is blazon O blood. I actually know someone with type AB+ blood, Anya - I e'er tell him how rare that is!

Anya on June xi, 2015:

I am B pos

Information technology is non a common type despite what people say

it is a really a rare Rh pos blood type merely 8 to 9 percent of people have this blazon

The rarest Rh pos type is AB pos which is 2-iii% of people

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on January 22, 2015:

Carmel, in that location are genetic testing kits available online for tracing beginnings through the Y chromosome. Type "Y-DNA" testing kits into google and yous will likely be able to make up one's mind the full general beginnings using just your son'southward sample. Otherwise, a standard paternity test (also available online) will work, simply you will need a sample from your partner and from your son to determine if your partner is his biological male parent.

carmel on Jan 22, 2015:

my son wants to find his dad , I had an affair with a Norwegian and my partner is English. is in that location any style I can find out if its the Norwegian or English language man is my sons father, its took me 24 years to ask this question..

Leah Lefler (writer) from Western New York on Apr 21, 2014:

Feel free to link to it, kalinin1158! Thanks for the compliment!

Lana Adler from California on Apr 16, 2014:

Great hub! I'd like to link it, if you don't heed. Voted up!

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on March 07, 2014:

Very interesting, Ricky! I call back the pattern of blood types around the world is an interesting topic.

ricky on March 01, 2014:

i'g A+ from republic of indonesia

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on January 05, 2014:

Cheers, Tim - I have always loved biological science and detect it fascinating.

Tim Sandle from London, United Kingdom on January 05, 2014:

Very interesting, great hub!

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on August 22, 2012:

I think information technology is one of the most of import things people can do - it can absolutely salve a life!

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on August xix, 2012:

Well, now I'1000 blushing! Thank you, ausmedus - of course, this article is now reminding me that I need to donate claret again. It has been a while!

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on August fifteen, 2012:

That is a smashing blood type, ausmedus! Universal recipient - you'll never have to worry if you go into an accident. I'g A+, along with most of the rest of my family.

Leah Lefler (author) from Western New York on June 14, 2012:

Information technology is interesting, isn't information technology? Kariannr, I wonder if the percentages will alter over time, as people are very mobile now. My own family has a lot of A blood types, but my aunt is O negative - she got the recessive genes the whole way circular!

kariannr from Ogden, Utah on June 13, 2012:

I thought that was really interesting how y'all explained different races having different percentages of negative Rh gene and the different countries where the different claret types are more common. I know that probably sounds really dumb, but I'm a medical laboratory science student, and any new information is crawly to me.


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